WDV221 Intro Javascript

Introduction to Javascript - Assignment

Please complete the following exercises on this page. When complete post this page to your server. Make a link in your WDV221 homework page for this assignment.

Include a comment in each script with the exercise number and a description of what the script is supposed to do.

Using Blackboard submit this Assignment.

1. Add a heading above this paragagraph with a runtime script that displays the name of the course as an h1 element.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed turpis ut risus placerat faucibus. Suspendisse non tortor quam. Vivamus non porta nulla. Suspendisse accumsan mi eget mi ultricies et euismod nisl scelerisque. Aenean tempus semper eros id pretium. Integer malesuada, nisl a vestibulum gravida, lacus dui luctus nisi, sit amet aliquet felis purus at ipsum. Etiam lobortis ullamcorper nunc eu faucibus. Sed lobortis pellentesque volutpat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus in commodo nulla. Morbi tempus mattis lectus vitae pulvinar.

Hello ! Welcome to Javascript

2. Use a runtime script to place your name in the heading as shown above.

3. Use a runtime script to place the three key points that help define runtime scripts as list items in the following unordered list.

Runtime scripts can be described by the following statements:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed turpis ut risus placerat faucibus. Suspendisse non tortor quam. Vivamus non porta nulla. Suspendisse accumsan mi eget mi ultricies et euismod nisl scelerisque. Aenean tempus semper eros id pretium. Integer malesuada, nisl a vestibulum gravida, lacus dui luctus nisi, sit amet aliquet felis purus at ipsum. Etiam lobortis ullamcorper nunc eu faucibus. Sed lobortis pellentesque volutpat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus in commodo nulla. Morbi tempus mattis lectus vitae pulvinar.

4. Use a runtime script to place a text field within the following form.

Please enter your name:


5. When you click the button below, an alert should display the URL of your WDV221 homework page.